May is the unofficial start of summer and cooking outdoors. There are many ways to enjoy a great barbecue, from smoking to braising. Grilling is a way to celebrate food while enjoying the company of friends and family. We've compiled our favorite barbecuing and grilling articles for you to honor National Barbecue Month!

BBQ Smokers 101: How to Begin Smoking Meats
Don’t rush out to buy a smoker during the first warm spring weekend. Here’s how to enter the wild world of smoking meats without risking either fire or food poisoning.

How to Create the Ultimate Grilling Area
Grilling out on the patio is an essential part of summer and a good way to enjoy the nice weather of the season. Here are a few tips for creating the ultimate grill area on your patio to enjoy.

How to Incorporate Wood into Your Grilling Repertoire
This summer explore stepping up your grilling game by incorporating wood into your grilling repertoire. Wood is a fun and tasty way to make your food more interesting as it adds a different dimension of both technique and taste to your grill experience.

5 Reasons to Add a Backyard Griddle to Your Outdoor Kitchen
Griddles offer grillers a flat and smooth cooking surface with varying temperature zones and excellent temperature control. Griddles will give you extra ease and versatility when outdoor cooking.

Grill Cleaning Tips
To keep your grill in proper working order without carbon deposit and grease build-up, wipe down the grill after every use, but do a thorough cleaning at least twice a year.