Items That Can Be Recycled at Schnarr's Hardware

Small quantities of CFL and Fluorescent tube light bulbs for a fee. Maximum 6 bulbs or tubes per customer.
Packing peanuts

Schnarr's Hardware 9800 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO 314-993-0910

Recycling Guide by Item


Think Green From Home

Battery Solutions, Inc.

The Big Green Box

Christmas Trees

St. Louis Composting

Composting Materials

St. Louis Composting - Untreated, unpainted or unvarnished lumber

Electrical, cabling, communication machinery and equipment.

Wits, Inc


Pro Computers and Consulting LLC


Wits, Inc

Dcal Services, LLC

Spectrum Ecycle

Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Lensmasters (314) 427-2181

Metro Lighting

Batteries Plus

Schnarr's Hardware: Small quantites of CFL and Fluorescent tube light bulbs for a fee Maximum 6 bulbs or tubes per customer. 

Holiday Lights and Decorations

Wits, Inc

Home electronics, blenders, toasters, irons etc.

Wits, Inc

Household Hazardous Waste

St. Louis Household Hazardous Waste - Residentially generated wastes including: paints (oil-based, craft and hobby paints), stains, varnishes, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, gasoline and other fuels, solvents and strippers, aerosols, motor oil and filters, gas cylinders (BBQ pit size or smaller), fluorescent tubes, rechargeable batteries, antifreeze, brake and transmission fluid, pool chemicals and other acids and bases, car batteries, wood preservatives, driveway sealant, and items containing mercury (such as thermometers, thermostats, and mercuric salts).

Lawn equipment, hand and power tools, old mowers, tillers, etc.

Wits, Inc

Packing Peanuts

Schnarr's Hardware

Plant Pots

Missouri Botanical Garden

St. Louis Composting

Yard Waste

City of St. Peters - Fee for non-residents

Recycling Guide by Community

Additional Recycling Related Resources